Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season and that this new year is already off to a great start for you. We spent the holidays in Washington with my family, it was my first time up there since our wedding, and it was so great to see my family and friends! So much good food while we were there, and Chirstmas treats galore. It was good to come home just to leave my mother's kitchen though. We spent New Years in Palm Springs with our friends Brent and Katie, who just got engaged, and had a great time. I had my first experience with fondue, and I LOVED it all! I have added a fondue pot to my birthday list (did you hear that mom, I would love an electric fondue pot!)

This year I have a lot of New Years resolutions, but topping my list it this blog. Keep your eyes open for more posts, I have resolved to update at least 3 times a week, help keep me accountable, okay. Also, I want to get a little braver in the kitchen and move out of my comfort zone. I hope to churn out a lot more baking this year, and be willing to try lots of new things. Namely, homemade pie crust! I have also vowed to workout at least three times a week to makeup for all the extra baking I plan on doing. Again, Happy New Year to you all, I hope that your year is full of many blessings!

Cheers to a great New Year!

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